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How to grout tiles and slabs with epoxy grouts?

The step by step guide how to grout with Ceresit CE 79 / 89 UltraEpoxy.

Crucial to know

Working time 60 min

Temperature 10-25°C

Walk after 24 h

Tools needed

Electric drill and a stirrer

a rubber grout float

a sponge

Step 1

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Product preparation

CE 79 and CE 89 consist of two components supplied in one container. Add the hardener (component B-catalyst) to the resin (component A) and mix with a low speed electric drill and stirrer until the mixture is free of lumps. Hand mixing is not recommended. Make sure that all the paste is catalyzed.

  • Do not dilute
    The two parts are pre-batched to avoid this way any risk of mixing errors. Do not add water or solvents to improve workability.
  • Use all content
    Scrape the sides and bottom of the container to make sure all the paste is catalyzed.

Step 2

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CE 79/89 Application as a Grout

Grout application

The ideal temperature for application is between +18 and +23 °C – the product is an easily workable smooth paste, with a pot life time, working and correction time of 60 min. At temperatures between +8 and +12°C, the product is very dense, difficult to apply and the hardening time is lengthened.

  • Application tip
    Apply the mixed compound with an epoxy grout float into the clean, dry joints. Make sure the joints are filled without any voids. Afterwards remove any excess material by skimming it diagonally off the tile surface with the grout float.

Step 3

Cleaning and finishing

The grout work must be cleaned and finished while the product is still wet. Use a common wet sponge with any water temperature.

For the easy removal of any stains or residues left 24h after grouting, use CE 51 EpoxyClean. Some kinds of tiles (e.g. polished porcelain tile) and natural stone have rough, microporous surfaces, making them susceptible to staining and very difficult to clean. In this case preliminary test application should be performed.

Tips & Tricks

For professionals

Grouting the joints with CE 79 / 89.

  • Clean the tile surfaces with citric acid if CE 51 Epoxy Clean is not available.
  • Dip the bucket with CE 79 /89 paste into hot water for easier application while application in lower temperatures.


products used

  • ${/content/heliux/adhesive/ceresit/com/en/products/tiling/product#/ceresit-ce-51/SAP_0201SNC013N4/searchResult.productFields.MainImageAltText}
    Special Cleaner for removing grout stain, residues and soiling from all types of ceramic tiles and natural stones. 
  • ${/content/heliux/adhesive/ceresit/com/en/products/tiling/product#/ceresit-ce-79/SAP_0201SQC013N9/searchResult.productFields.MainImageAltText}
    Two-component chemical-resistant epoxy mortar for installation and grouting of tiles and mosaics with joint width 1 to 15 mm. Ideal for industry, public places and heavy traffic. 
  • ${/content/heliux/adhesive/ceresit/com/en/products/tiling/product#/ceresit-ce-89/SAP_0201SQC013O0/searchResult.productFields.MainImageAltText}
    Two-component chemical-resistant epoxy mortar for installation and grouting of tiles and mosaics with joint width of 1 to 15 mm. Perfect for mosaics and exclusive places. 

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